Eating Healthy, Staying Active

Healthy Eating for a Healthy Lifestyle

This slide deck and companion one-page tip sheet can be used for training DSPs about one of the two parts of a healthy lifestyle: healthy eating. DSPs could also use these resources to talk about healthy eating with the individuals they support.


My Plan for Getting Active

This activity can be distributed to DSPs to be used to help the individuals they serve find manageable goals and track their progress towards their weekly goal.


Getting to Know the Food Groups

This fact sheet can help DSPs and self-advocates learn about the five main food groups that are key to a healthy diet. These can be used to create a healthy eating plan.


Healthy Eating Habits

This tip sheet introduces some healthy eating habits that DSPs can discuss with and encourage the individuals they serve to select a few habits to try.


Tips for Eating More Healthily on a Budget

This tip sheet can be distributed to DSPs to help them work with individuals they support to learn how you can buy healthy food for affordable prices.


Fast Food Facts

This fact sheet can be distributed to DSPs to help them work with individuals they support to explain why fast food is unhealthy and how to make healthy choices when you are eating fast food or at fast food restaurants.


Last modified: December 16, 2020