Vendorization Appeals

Vendors or applicants for vendorization may appeal any denial of a vendorization application, termination of vendorization, or other failure of a regional center to comply with regulations. Such appeals shall be made to the director of the vendoring regional center within 30 days of receiving the written notification of action by that regional center or within 30 days after the failure of the vendoring regional center to comply with regulations.

The written appeal shall contain pertinent vendor/applicant information, identification of the action being appealed, the specific basis for the appeal and all supporting documentation necessary to substantiate the appeal.

The director of the vendoring regional center or the director’s designee shall determine within 15 days if all necessary information has been provided, and may request more information if necessary. The regional center director or the director’s designee shall issue a decision on the appeal within 60 days of receiving a complete appeal package.

If unsatisfied with the regional center director’s decision, the vendor/applicant may appeal the decision to the Director of the Department of Developmental Services (Department) by filing an appeal of the decision with the director of the regional center within 15 days of receipt of the decision. This appeal shall include all information originally filed with the regional center, along with a copy of the regional centers decision and a statement of the issues, facts, documentation and authority identifying why the Department Director should reverse the regional centers decision. Within 15 days after receipt of the appeal, the regional center director or his/her designee shall forward the appeal to the Department Director.

The Department Director or the Director’s designee may request additional information form the vendor/applicant or regional center if necessary.

The Department Director or the Director’s designee shall issue a decision within 60 days of receiving all required or requested information. The Department Director’s decision shall identify the specific issues, rule on each issue, state the facts supporting each ruling and cite any pertinent statutory or regulatory authority. The Department Director’s decision is the final administrative decision.

A copy of this decision will be sent to the vendor, and the vendoring and using regional centers within 15 days after the decision is rendered.


Last modified: March 12, 2019