The Department is a court-appointed conservator for just under 370 individuals.  In a conservatorship, most decision-making is delegated to regional centers to provide local, person-centered support.  There are guidelines for regional centers, including how to provide updates on health and safety for conservatees, following Individual Program Plans, and separating responsibilities.  The Department and regional centers are committed to person-centered conservatorships that respect the rights and autonomy of conservatees.

Since 2022, there has been a comprehensive review of the Department’s conservatorships.  The review enlisted an expert panel to support the best outcomes for conservatees.  The Office of the Ombudsperson also coordinated visits to every conservatee of the Department, in collaboration with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH):

  • 213 individuals were visited by CDSS
  • 108 individuals were visited by CDPH
  • 62 conservatees were visited by the Ombudsperson

These visits resulted in 61 referrals for additional oversight. Of these, 28 focused on improving day activities, such as attending more days in day programs or engaging in work. Significantly, the Ombudsperson recommended terminating a number of the conservatorships that she reviewed, one of which is below.

Person-Centered Decision-Making: One Conservatee’s Story 

The importance of visiting conservatees is highlighted by one case involving a 95-year-old woman who has been conserved for 44 years.  Her conservatorship originally was established when transitioning out of a developmental center.  The conservatorship was based on assumptions made about her by the court.  During a visit, the Ombudsperson observed the woman’s independence, vibrant personality, and fulfilling life.

Living in a cozy, rent-subsidized apartment, she receives minimal support services three days a week.  She manages her meals, attends church and a senior center, and enjoys staying active.  The Ombudsperson recommended terminating her conservatorship, a process supported by the Department and the regional center.  The court agreed, restoring her rights to make her own decisions.









