Direct Support Professionals support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities every day to live the lives of their choosing. We’re celebrating them and the crucial work they do! Governor Gavin Newsom recognized September 8th through 14th as Direct Support Professional Recognition Week in 2024. Read the Governor’s message here.
DDS partnered with the California Disability Services Association and All’s Well to recognize Direct Support Professionals statewide. Please join us in celebration by reading and sharing the stories on the DDS Facebook page linked below. You can also search the hashtags #DSPofCA and #DSPRW2024 to read more stories of Direct Support Professionals nationwide.
- Jennifer Supporting Goals for Becoming Independent: “Jennifer is helping me connect with my neighbors and helping me build my community.” – Les Larson
Jennifer Stone has been working as a Direct Support Professional at Becoming Independent for nearly 2 years!
She’s focused on building community connection, supporting health, and making sure the people she serves have the information and tools they need to meet their goals. “My biggest driver is feeling like I am making a difference in the lives of the people I support and helping them live their most authentic lives on their own terms,” said Jennifer.
Les says that he and Jennifer know how to have fun, whether they’re at work or hanging out in their community. One of her favorite parts of the job is celebrating and creating various holiday traditions with the people she supports.Thank you, Jennifer, for all you do to support Californians with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live the happy, healthy lives of their choosing!
- DDS Internship Program: William Tye Takes on New Job at Arc of San Diego: “I never had a passion to focus my time on but now I feel like I’ve found a place where I could see myself staying for a very long time.” – William Tye, Direct Support Professional Intern turned DSP at The Arc of San Diego
The DSP Internship Program set William Tye on a career path he wasn’t expecting. But now, he sees a future supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live the lives they desire. Explore a career that’s rewarding, challenging, and connects you to community!The DSP Internship Program is a paid three-month program with on-the-job and entry-level training. It provides individualized and practical work experience for people interested in becoming a DSP. To date, 24 interns have been placed in various settings. Three of those interns have gone on to become employed DSP. Thank you to the regional centers, providers, and the team at All’s Well who have been collaborating on the program and bringing it to life.
Spotlighting Artists Voices with Art Mentor Lupita: Today for #DSPRW2024, we celebrate the Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) who bring out the creativity!
At Alchemia Arts in the North Bay, the DSPs are artist centered. With the mentorship of a DSP like Lupita Chavez Alvarez, artists are honing their skills and creating works that they love. Their contemporary art is then sold and shared at galleries, local businesses, and at big events like the state fair. For many of the artists, that means fulfilling lifelong career and personal goals.
- Employment and Choice with Dorothy and Teresa at AbilityPath: Two sisters with one common goal – to support Californians with intellectual and developmental disabilities to thrive!
Dorothy and Teresa both have been working at AbilityPath as Direct Support Professionals for nearly 40 years.
Dorothy Evans currently supports people to find and maintain employment they enjoy. She says the DSP work fell into her lap after graduating from college, but that it has always felt meant to be. “I can still say I love my job! I’m proud of the work I have done and the impact I’ve made on the lives of many participants and their families,” said Dorothy.It was Dorothy who told her sister, Teresa Honeyman, about the rewarding career path. Teresa works to support people to live the lives they want at home and in their communities. One of her favorite moments was joining the people she supports as they attended their first Giants Baseball game at Oracle Park. “I’m proud helping the participants achieve their goals. It is very rewarding seeing them become more confident and independent throughout the years, and impacting the lives of parents and families,” said Teresa.
- Finding Work You Enjoy with Vaming at InAlliance: What is Direct Support Professional Vaming Xiong most proud of? He says: “When someone I su
pport calls me and says, ‘Thank you for your support. Without you, I would not have been able to get this job!’ or ‘Without you, I would have already been fired.”
Vaming has been working at InAlliance since 2018. He has supported many people in the Sacramento area to find and keep competitive, integrated employment. Igor Zelenov (pictured in the grey t-shirt) said he’s great at encouraging him and making sure he’s prepared. “He makes sure I get ready for anything, a new job or anything. He’s really nice and has good ideas for work,“ Igor said.Vaming became a DSP because of his own family’s experiences and his enjoyment of connecting people with the tools and resources they need to succeed. He is also a proud grandfather and father. Thank you, Vaming, for all you do!We’re proud of Vaming, the people he supports at their jobs, and all the DSP out there supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to work at jobs they choose!