The Department, in accordance with the CalHHS Language Access Policy, has implemented a Language Access Plan (LAP).  The purpose of this plan is to expand the way in which the Department provides meaningful access to information, programs, benefits, and services to the public and individuals with limited English proficiency.  The goal is to remove language as a barrier to accessing services.

The LAP requires the Department to provide free sign language and spoken language interpretation.  It also requires translation of written documents that are vital to benefits and services.  These vital documents, which are intended for statewide and public use, will be translated into Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese and Korean.

There are two important language access resources available to all CalHHS departments and offices:

  1. On-demand telephone interpretation services. Offered through a CalHHS contracted vendor, these services provide interpretation on demand at points of public contact.
  2. Translation services. These services support departments in translating vital documents and essential website content.

Read the full DDS Language Access Plan.
