Purchase of Service (POS) Data Reports and Meeting Notification Requirements
Welfare & Institutions Code, Section 4519.5, requires DDS and regional centers to annually collaborate to compile data relating to purchase of service authorization, utilization, and expenditure.
By December 31 of each year, regional centers are required to post their data to their respective Internet Website and DDS must post statewide data on its Internet Website. The purchase of service data must be categorized by:
- Age of consumer:
- Birth to age two, inclusive,
- Three to 21, inclusive,
- Twenty-two and older.
- Race or ethnicity of the consumer.
- Primary language spoken by the consumer, and other related details, as feasible.
- Disability detail.
- Residence type, subcategorized by age, race or ethnicity, and primary language.
The data must include the number and percentage of individuals, categorized by age, race or ethnicity, disability, and by residence type, who have been determined to be eligible for regional center services but are not receiving purchase of service funds.
Within three months of compiling the data with DDS, each regional center must meet with stakeholders in a public meeting regarding the data. By August 31, following the public stakeholder meetings, each regional center must post a Purchase of Service Annual Report to its website. The report must include the following:
- Actions the regional center took to improve public attendance and participation at stakeholder meetings, including, but not limited to, attendance and participation by underserved communities.
- Copies of minutes from the meeting and attendee comments.
- Whether the data described in this section indicate a need to reduce disparities in the purchase of services among consumers in the regional center’s catchment area. If the data do indicate that need, the regional center’s recommendations and plan to promote equity, and reduce disparities, in the purchase of services.
You may view each regional center’s Purchase of Services data reports and meeting notifications by selecting from the list on the right.
Last modified: February 21, 2024