
New Provider Rates Effective July 1, 2016

The following is information on the rate changes for vendors affected by the enactment of Assembly Bill (AB) X2-1 and the State Budget. The rate changes will be effective July 1, 2016. For specific information on the vendor rate changes, including how rates were adjusted and which vendors are affected, please see the Department’s letter mailed to regional centers on June 24, 2016.

New Rates Set By The Department

Rates Set Through Negotiation Between Regional Centers & Vendors

Rates Set In Regulaton

  • Respite under Service Codes 420, 465, and 864 – The new rate is $15.23 per hour.
  • Financial Management Services, FEA – Service Code 490 – The maximum rates are $45.88, $71.37, or $96.86 per month.
  • Financial Management Services, Co-Employer – Service Code 491 – The maximum rate is $96.86 per month.
  • Participant-Directed Community-Based Training Services Service Code 475 – The rate is $14.99 per hour.
  • Non-Mobile Supplemental Staffing – The supplemental rate for Community-Based Day Programs will increase to $1.34 per hour.

Where Can I Get More Information

Please visit the Survey to Determine Provider Rate Increases webpage for information on the process for determining rate increases due to ABX2-1.

Contact your local Regional Center

The Department of Developmental Services: Non-Residential Rates: 916-654-1954 | Residential Rates: 916-654-2140


Last modified: April 10, 2024