ICF DD-H and ICF DD-N: Requirement For New Provider Sixteen-Hour Orientation Training

Effective October 1, 2011, Health and Safety Code Section 1268.6 PDF requires all new applicants to attend a mandatory sixteen-hour orientation program approved by the Department of Developmental Services. The program packet must contain a copy of the certificate demonstrating proof of attendance of the sixteen-hour new provider orientation training. It is the responsibility of the applicant/designee to obtain this mandatory training prior to initial licensure of an intermediate care facility for habilitative or nursing services.

Agency Name & AddressContact
3053 Rancho Vista Blvd, Suite H-225
Palmdale, CA 93551
Cassandra Turner
Email: cassandraturnec@aol.com
Millennium Education and Health Care Associates
P.O. Box 90338
Long Beach, CA 90809
Lilly Daniel
Email: millenniumedh@gmail.com
Vail and Associates
125 Vivienne Lane
Crescent City, CA 95531
Gretchen Vail
Email: gavaile@sbcglobal.net

New Vendor Requirements for the Sixteen-Hour Orientation Training

If you are interested in providing the sixteen-hour orientation provider training and meet the requirements, please submit your outline of the sixteen-hour training curriculum along with a copy of your sixteen-hour course materials for review and approval to the Department of Developmental Services. For the specific curriculum requirements, check the Health and Safety Code Section 1268.6 PDF.


Last modified: April 29, 2023