Family Home Agency

A Family Home Agency (FHA) approves family homes which offer the opportunity for up to two adult individuals with developmental disabilities per home to reside with a family and share in the interaction and responsibilities of being part of a family. The individual with developmental disabilities receives the necessary service and supports from the family, agencies and the community to enable the individual to be a participating member of the family and the community where the family resides. The family home arrangement allows the sharing of food, shelter, experience, responsibilities and love.

The FHA is a private for-profit or not-for-profit organization under contract to, and vendored by a regional center. FHAs are responsible for recruiting, training, approving and monitoring family homes, as well as providing ongoing support to family homes. Social service staff employed by the FHA make regular visits to the family home to ensure that necessary services and supports are in place, and that the match between the family and the new family member is viable, and continues to be viable.

FHA and family home services and supports are a new option which enables adults with developmental disabilities to enter into partnerships with families that promote self-determination and interdependence.

For more information about Family Home Agencies

Contact your regional center OR:

California Department of Developmental Services

Community Services Division

Office of Community Operations


Last modified: March 24, 2023