The Department of Developmental Services is responsible for designing and coordinating a wide array of services for California residents with developmental disabilities. These services and supports are provided through a statewide system of 21 locally-based regional centers.
A Person-Centered Planning approach is used in making decisions regarding where a person with developmental disabilities will live and the kinds of services and supports that may be needed. In person-centered planning, everyone who uses regional center services has a planning team that includes the person utilizing the services, family members, regional center staff and anyone else who is asked to be there by the individual. The team joins together to make sure that the services that people are getting are supporting their choices in where they want to live, how and with whom they choose to spend the day, and hopes and dreams for the future.
Living Arrangements & Supportive Services Available for Persons with Developmental Disabilities
- Adult Residential Facility for Persons with Special Health Care Needs
- Affordable Housing
- Community Care Facilities (CCFs)
- Family Home Agency
- Foster Family Agency
- Independent Living Program
- Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs)
- State-Operated Developmental Centers and Community Facilities
- Supported Living Services
Last modified: April 29, 2023