RFP #HD219056 – DDS Service Access and Equity (posted on 09/10/2021) NEW
RFP description: The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is soliciting proposals to design and conduct an independent evaluation of efforts to advance equity and reduce disparities in the developmental disabilities services system. On or before December 1, 2021, DDS will contract with a proposing entity or entities with demonstrated experience in both quantitative and qualitative program evaluation. The Budget Act of 2021 includes $500,000 in Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 for this evaluation; ongoing evaluation is subject to available funding.
To view the RFP #HD219056, go to: California State Government Marketplace
- Click on “Quick Links” and select Find Bid Opportunities (CSCR)
- In “Event ID” enter “HD219056” and click search
- Select “RFP HD219056 – DDS Service Access and Equity”
Statewide Equity Measures
These measures track progress in increasing equity of access to services.
Regional Center Purchase of Service Data
DDS and regional centers annually collaborate to compile data relating to purchase of service authorization, utilization, and expenditure (Welfare & Institutions Code, Section 4519.5).
Regional Center Purchase of Service Annual Reports
DDS and regional centers post the purchase of service annual reports by August 31.
Regional Center Performance Contracts
Regional center performance contracts include annual objectives that measure progress to reduce disparities and improve equity. Send questions, comments, and feedback to: disparityfundsprogram@dds.ca.gov
Last modified: April 16, 2024