Language Access and Cultural Competency

Language Access and Cultural Competency (LACC) Program

Cal. Welf. and Inst. Code § 4620.4 awards the Department of Developmental Services (Department) $16.7 million ongoing funding for regional centers to improve and promote the Language Access and Cultural Competency Program to better support the language needs of individuals with developmental disabilities, their caregivers, and their family members.

Cal. Welf. and Inst. Code § 4620.4 requires the Department to implement this initiative through contracts with regional centers. These funds shall not replace any existing efforts or funding for similar purposes, rather, they are intended to augment and provide maximum additional benefit to the greatest number of persons served, their caregivers, and their families.

The LACC program is an annual initiative following the April 2022 directive Funding to Improve Language Access and Cultural Competency. The primary purpose of the LACC funding is to improve consumer and family experience and to facilitate more consistent access to information and services for multi-lingual, monolingual, and diverse cultural groups.

Ongoing LACC efforts by regional centers include:

  • Education and Training Workshops
  • In-person and Virtual Outreach Events
  • Interpretation and Translation Services
  • Listening Sessions and Focus Groups
  • Partnering with Community-Based Organizations
  • Production of short informational videos

Regional Center LACC Plans

The Department approves regional center annual plans that are specifically designed to improve and promote the Language Access and Cultural Competency Program in regional centers’ catchment areas.

The links below provide summaries of approved LACC plans, arranged by Fiscal Year.

Approved Regional Center LACC Plans

Approved Regional Center LACC Plans

Funding was allocated for Special LACC Projects approved by the Department for statewide initiatives.

Approved Regional Center LACC Plans

Regional Centers implemented their initial LACC Plans through two fiscal years.


Last modified: January 15, 2025