Step-Down Homes for Individuals Transitioning from Institutions for Mental Disease

To further enhance supports to individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who have co-occurring psychiatric disabilities, the Department expanded vendor-operated services to include step-down homes. These step-down homes are developed to support individuals transitioning to the community from Institutions for Mental Disease (IMDs) and those at risk of being placed in an IMD. The step-down home provides intensive supports and services that are person-centered, structured and focus on skill development.


The IMD step-down homes have the following characteristics:

  • Licensed as community crisis homes,
  • Each home has less than five beds,
  • Serve individuals who are 18 years or older, and
  • Provide person-centered, structured supports and services.
  • Some IMD step-down homes have delayed egress.


Three IMD Step-Down Homes are in operation and one is in development. All four homes have a 4 bed capacity.

Two of the IMD step-down homes are in Alta California Regional Center’s (ACRC) catchment area, and two are in San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center’s (SG/PRC) catchment area. The completed home in ACRC’s area is located in Herald and has been in operation since May 2019 with services provided by Telecare. The second home, which is under development, is located in Elverta with services projected for Winter 2021/22 and will also be operated by Telecare.

The two completed homes in SG/PRC’s catchment area are in La Puente. They have been in operation since July 2020 and completed a change of ownership with a new service provider, People’s Care, as of April 28, 2021.


Last modified: April 20, 2022