Porterville Developmental Center – Secure Treatment Program Step-Down Homes

Porterville Developmental Center (DC) Secure Treatment Program (STP) step-down homes were developed to support individuals from the Porterville DC STP who need more intensive supports and services prior to transitioning to more permanent housing in the community. These step-down homes offer person-centered, structured supports with a focus on skill development.

Consistent with Assembly Bill (AB) 1472 (Chapter 25, Statutes of 2012) – 2012-13 budget trailer bill legislation, these step-down homes are licensed community crisis homes with delayed egress to enable individuals who would otherwise be at risk of further institutionalization to remain in the community.

PDC – STP Step-Down Homes Development Overview

There are three PDC STP Step-Down Homes in development in the Central Valley Regional Center. All of the homes have a bed capacity of 4 beds. MARS will be the service provider for all three homes.


Last modified: April 20, 2022