Alternative Service Delivery

Withdrawn 08/26/2020


The Department proposes to amend and adopt California Code of Regulations, Title 17, section(s) 54326 and 56810, respectively, which is necessary on an emergency basis in order to maintain the health and wellbeing of Californians with developmental disabilities and to ensure they have the opportunity to receive critical services through an alternative delivery of services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Affected Regulatory Code Sections

Title 17. Public Health, Division 2. Health and Welfare Agency – Department of Developmental Services Regulations, Chapter 3. Community Services, Subchapter 2. Vendorization, Article 2. Vendorization Process, amend section 54326 and Subchapter 5. Standards for Nonresidential Services, adopt new Article 6. Alternative Service Delivery, adopt new section 56810

Withdrawn August 26, 2020

History of Rulemaking Proceeding Proposed Emergency Documents Posted: August 14, 2020 Emergency Filed with the Office of Administrative Law: August 21, 2020 OAL File No.: 2020-0821-03E Five Day Written Comment Period: August 21- August 26, 2020


Last modified: April 11, 2024