Employment Services

On October 9, 2013, Governor Brown signed AB 1041 (Chesbro) into law, establishing an “Employment First Policy” in California. The Department of Developmental Services, California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), and California Department of Education (CDE) have entered into an agreement consistent with the State’s “Employment First” policy and other laws to make employment in an integrated setting, at a competitive wage, for individuals with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities (I/DD) its highest priority. This is often referred to as “Competitive Integrated Employment” (CIE) and/or “Real Work for Real Pay in the Real World.”

Competitive Integrated Employment means:

  • Working in your community
  • Being paid the same amount of money your colleagues without disabilities make
  • Opportunities for being promoted and earning more money
  • Opportunities to get health care and other benefits through your job

Coordinated Career Pathways

Coordinated Career Pathways (CCP) is a new service designed for individuals exiting work activity programs, subminimum wage settings, or within two years of exiting secondary education to achieve or advance in CIE. Two new services are available through CCP, a Career Pathway Navigator (CPN) and a Customized Employment Specialist (CES). More information can be found here:

Paid Internship Program

The Paid Internship Program (PIP) is a way for individuals being served by regional centers to be paid minimum wage or more when working as an intern at a job. PIPs can increase vocational skills and create a pathway to CIE. More information can be found here:

Supported Employment Services

Supported Employment (SE) services are aimed at finding competitive work in a community integrated work setting for individuals who need ongoing support services to learn and perform the work. SE services can be provided in an individual placement (SEP-IP) or group placement (SEP-G). More information can be found here:

Participant-Directed Services – Supported Employment

A service that is provided in order to support an individual in obtaining and maintaining competitive integrated employment, or self-employment. This may include developing a plan for employment by assessing the individual’s strengths, weaknesses, skills, and desires for employment.

Self Determination

Employment supports are individually designed and provided in the manner specified by the planning team to assist participants to gain and retain employment, including self-employment, in community integrated work environments to achieve the participant’s personally defined outcomes. The intended outcome of this service is sustained paid employment at or above minimum wage in an integrated setting in the general workforce, in a job that meets personal career goals.

Tailored Day Services

Includes the goal of further development of an individual’s employment suitability, customized training services with flexible schedules and fewer program hours resulting in positive benefits, with individuals developing skills in employment, participating as a volunteer, attending post-secondary education programs, and engaging in community integration. Can be used in conjunction with other day program, look-alike day program, supported employment program, or work activity program

Work Activity Program

Work Activity Program (WAP) services include paid work, work adjustment, and supported habilitation services typically o a sheltered workshop setting. More information can be found here:

There are many benefits of working in the community, such as:

  • Employment is important to the overall health and stability of any individual.
  • Employment offers wages, benefits, status, and opportunities to make connections with coworkers and the community as a whole.
  • Employment affords the community at large an opportunity to experience first had the capabilities and contributions made by individuals with developmental disabilities.
  • Employment offers a life with income rather than public benefits.
  • Employment empowers an individual to dream and create a fulfilling career.
  • Through work people develop relationships and gain self-esteem. They are not just in the community, but they become a part of the community.
  • Employment offers all people access to other community citizens, a path out of poverty, and independence from service systems.

Links and Resources for Individuals and Families

Competitive Integrated Employment

Information regarding implementation and funding available to regional center service providers for placement and retention of regional center consumers in competitive, integrated employment may be found here:

Paid Internship Program

Information regarding paid internships to increase the vocational skills of consumers and create a pathway to a competitive integrated job may be found here:

Regional Center Performance Measures

Information regarding this initiative and the corresponding measures and incentives may be found here:

Quality Incentive Program (QIP)

Information regarding this program and the corresponding measures and incentives may be found here:

Paid Internship Program and Competitive Integrated Employment Incentive Payments

The following report outlines regional center purchase of service data reflecting expenditures for the Paid Internship Program, the Competitive Integrated Employment Incentive Payments, and Paid Internship Program Incentive Payment.

Subminimum Wage Phase Out

In 2021, SB 639 (Durazo) was signed into law. By January 1, 2025, California will end its participation in the federal 14c subminimum wage program waiver for persons with disabilities and amend similar exemptions in California Labor Code. This prohibits an employee with a disability from being paid less than the legal minimum wage or the applicable local minimum wage ordinance, whichever is higher.

DDS has been working closely with regional centers to track all individuals still in subminimum wage settings as well as where they transition to. The most recent report can be found linked below.


Last modified: January 3, 2025