View Comments on ‘Special Incident Reporting Regulations’

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09/26/2024Shelly Briggs(1) The following special incidents if they occurred during the time the consumer was receiving services and supports from any vendor or long-term health care facility: (Clarify)
A) (A) The consumer is missing, and the vendor or long-term health care facility has filed a missing person’s report with a law enforcement agency; (Clarify)
(B) Reasonably suspected abuse/exploitation including:
1. Physical;
2. Sexual; (Mention of Social media)
4.Emotional/mental; (Mention of Social media
5. Physical and/or chemical restraint. (Clarify, Behavior plans, specific facilities)
(D) A serious injury/accident including: (Provide clarification on automobile accidents)
7. Any medication errors; (Clarify medication refusal)
4. Internal infections, including but not limited to, ear, nose and throat; gastrointestinal; kidney; dental; pelvic; or urinary tract; (Clarify, dx by med professional)
8. Involuntary psychiatric admission; (Clarify-give detail on hold not admitted)
5. Rape, including rape and attempts to commit rape. (Provide info on sexual assault)
(f) The report pursuant to subsection (b) shall be submitted to the regional center by telephone, electronic mail (Add text) or FAX immediately, but not more than 24 hours after learning of the occurrence of the special incident.
(k) These regulations shall not remove or change any reporting obligations under the Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Reporting Act commencing with Welfare and Institutions Code Section 15600 or the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act commencing with Penal Code Section 11164. (Clarify Ombudsman reporting)

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09/23/2024Bright Home Board & Care/ Sweet Angels Board & CareSuggestions:
1.) There should be only 1 SIR form to be used to report incidents for both CCL and Regional Center.
2.) The reportable incidents should also be the same as CCL’s to avoid confusion.
3.) Emailing of incident reports can be sent at once to both CCL and Regional Center by copy furnishing all the people concerned for faster delivery.
09/20/2024Jolie KanatThe SIR is a vital element of protection for the people we support and sometmes for our staff as well. One challenge is that we are not fully funded in our 15% administrative allocation to train staff, attend meetings, have staff attend Regional Center training meetings, hire staff who can recognize or fully articulate how to report, educate staff on reporting, and definitely not time to fill out lengthy forms. Here are some ideas that perhaps can be considered. 1. Let's have a clear, simple (fifth-grade level language and guidelines for example) online form that anyone can easily access, fill out and submit. 2. Let's understand where these reports land and who resolves them and what the communication process is. We have had an RC executive refuse to file a report because she disagreed with it. 3. Let's incorporate the reports into all Regional Center referral packets so that we have an historical understanding of challenges. Thank you for all you do!


Last modified: September 24, 2024