Regional Center Performance Measures

Beginning in September 2021, DDS worked with the Regional Center Performance Measures Workgroup consisting of representatives from all aspects of the developmental disabilities services system to develop performance incentives and measures to promote improvements in consumer outcomes and regional center performance.This RCPM program has six focus areas identified by the Workgroup, including:

  • Early Start
  • Employment
  • Equity and Cultural Competency
  • Individual and Family Experience and Satisfaction
  • Person-Centered Services Planning
  • Service Coordination and Regional Center Operations

Each focus area has one or more performance measures tied to specific desired outcomes, with corresponding performance targets and incentives.  This is a voluntary opportunity for regional centers to demonstrate performance above the minimum expectations established through statute or regulation.  All regional centers are encouraged to take the opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to providing high quality service that is responsive to the priorities established by the statewide stakeholder workgroup.

The RCPM Workgroup was convened and started meeting in September 2021 and consists of the following members:

Name Representing Group
Edith Aris Family Member
Ken Barnes Family Member
Ardena Bartlett Family Member and Director of Parenting Black Children
Harry Bruell Service Provider: Path Point
Beth Burt Family Member and Executive Director, Autism Society Inland Empire
Eva Casas-Sarmiento Disability Rights California
Dora Contreras Family Member and Advocate
Michi Gates Executive Director, Kern Regional Center
Tim Jin Self-Advocate
Sherry Johnson Family Member
Liliana Manriquez Project Coordinator, Mixteco/Indígena Community Organizing Project (MICOP) and Proyecto Acceso
Maria Marquez Self-Advocate
Joyce McNair Family Member and State Council on Developmental Disability Advocate
Mark Melanson California Community Living Network
NickoleRenee Mensch Self-Advocate
Karen Mulvany Family Member
Marty Omoto Family Member and Executive Director, CA Disability/Senior Community Action Network (CD-CAN)
Diana Pastora Carson Family Member and Disability Voices United Board Member
Gabriel Rogin Executive Director, North Bay Regional Center
Kathy Sanders-Platnik Family Member
Ronke Sodipo Director, Client Services, Regional Center of the East Bay
Kavita Sreedhar Family Member, PRAGNYA- Preparing Resources & Alliances Galvanizing NeurodiversitY Acculturation
Anna Wang Family Member and Service Provider: Friends of Children with Special Needs (FCSN)
Joshua Weitzman Family Member, Executive Director, Alpha Resource Center and DTI Advisory Committee
Wesley Witherspoon Self-Advocate and State Council on Developmental Disabilities Los Angeles Office Regional Advisory Committee
Kecia Weller Self-Advocate
Larry Yin University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

As part of the performance measurement, a variety of incentives were associated with each measure. Recognition is a non-monetary incentive acknowledging an activity successfully performed by a regional center. The regional centers are recognized for their work related to the following RCPM focus areas and measures.

Fiscal Year 2022-23


(Child Find and Identification)


(Participation in CIE)


(Linguistic Diversity)


(SC Facilitation Skills)

  Child Find Plan Percent Served (Birth to 3) Competitive Integrated Employment Placements Bilingual Staff Survey CMF Update PCP Trainer(s)
ACRC Pending
  Child Find Plan submitted with required information Percentage of infants identified as eligible (Indicators 5 & 6 of Early Start Local Performance Report) Achieved number of 30-day CIE placements that meets or exceeds the RC’s higher performance target: $75,000


Exceeds performance target by 10% or more: $50,000



Completion of bilingual staff survey Update of Client Master File for 100% of individuals served ·   One certified Person-Centered Plan Facilitation Trainer for every 10,000 people on RC average monthly caseload: $70,000

·   One additional trainer: $15,000 ($85,000 total)

·   Two or more additional trainers: $30,000

 ($100,000 total)

If both measures met:

Low-size RC: $60,000

Mid-size RC: $90,000

High-size RC: $120,000

Successfully met measure (some focus areas have additional incentives above the standard)
Partially met measure
Participated but did not meet measure
(blank) Did not participate


Last modified: June 18, 2024