Fiscal Years 2008/2009 through 2010/2011
The following seven regional centers (RC) received MHSA funding for eight projects. Please click the project link below to view detailed information about each project, including support and training materials. DDS did not require RCs to develop a webpage dedicated to their respective MHSA Project.
Infant Mental Health Training
In collaboration with Easter Seals Northern California and Jewish Family and Children’s Services, this project developed and implemented an innovative training focusing on infant mental health utilizing evidence-based service models. Participants learned about infant mental health, and receiving training in relationship-based reflective practice; the parent-child relationship and its impact on social/emotional development; strengthening relationships between young children and family members; the impact of disability on family relationships; assessment; and the value of culturally competent interventions.
Counties: Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo
Contact: Shawneece Stevenson
Project Support Materials: Shawneece Stevenson
Breaking the Barriers – Forming Cross System Partnerships to Effectively Serve Individuals with Mental Illness and Intellectual Disabilities
In collaboration with various professional trainers, this project consisted of a two-day conference. Topics focused on best practices in assessment and diagnosis; psychopharmacologic treatment, including the identification and implementation of appropriate medication treatments; and best practice psychotherapeutic treatment models including Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Interactive Behavioral Therapy, and Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy.
County: Los Angeles
Contact: Colleen Mock
Project Support Materials: Breaking the Barriers: Forming Cross-System Partnerships to Effectively Serve Individuals with Mental Illness and Intellectual Disabilities
Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Collaborative
In collaboration with the Association of Regional Center Agencies, the California Mental Health Directors Association, The Arc, regional centers, California Institute for Mental Health, private mental health service providers, family members, and the Department of Developmental Services, the regional center administered the dual system (County Mental Health departments and regional centers), Mental Health Consultant position, and funded the Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Collaborative quarterly meetings.
Counties: All 58 counties.
Meeting Minutes: MHSA_Collaborative
Santa Clara County Infant Family Early Childhood Mental Health Certificate Program
In collaboration with Kidango and Santa Clara County Office of Education, this project provided a training cohort for practitioners. Program participants built and enhanced their skills and knowledge based on the social, emotional, and developmental needs of infants, young children, and their families through education and facilitated reflective practice.
The program also promoted the use of relationship-based practices across systems and disciplines and strengthened the relationships within and across systems through a common language and set of shared values, beliefs and core competencies.
County: Santa Clara
Contact: Howard Doi
Project Support Materials: Santa Clara County Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health Certificate Program
Statewide Regional Planning Summits
In collaboration with the Association of Regional Center Agencies, the Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities Collaborative, Department of Developmental Services, and others, statewide summits addressed opportunities and obstacles towards improving the delivery systems at the local level. Regional Planning Summits also promoted and facilitated effective collaboration between regional centers and county mental health programs in meeting the needs of consumers with dual diagnoses.
Counties: All 58
Contact: Carlos Flores
Project Information: Regional Planning Summits
Infant Mental Health Training
In collaboration with Dr. Robert Fletcher and Dr. Karen Finello, this project offered adult and Early Start providers, families, clinicians, and regional center staff an extensive training focusing on the best strategies for working with and supporting the children and families of young consumers at risk for abuse and trauma. Additional training focused on families, consumers, and providers who worked with dually diagnosed adults and adolescents.
County: Los Angeles
Project Support Materials: Infant Mental Health Training
Psychiatry Training
In collaboration with Alma Family Services and College Hospital, this project provided Los Angeles County psychiatrists with training on best practices in medication management, side effects, and monitoring. The project also included a Fellowship Practicum for county contracted and/or private psychiatrists which received education addressing consumers with mental health diagnoses.
County: Los Angeles
Contact: Stephen Mouton
Project Support Materials: Best Practices for Medication, Treatment, and Monitoring of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and Mental Illness (DDMI)
Los Angeles Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Education Program
In collaboration with North Los Angeles County Regional Center, the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LADMH), University of Southern California University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, and National Association for the Dually Diagnosed, this project developed a training collaborative consisting of cohort-based training and culminating in a final area-wide conference.
The training program educated participants on recognition, screening, referral, evaluation, treatment, and supports for children and adults; established and maintained a meaningful collaboration between agencies, clinicians, service providers, and families; and enhanced the quality of systems of care for individuals through participation in this training collaborative.
Counties: Los Angeles and Ventura
Contact: Danise Lehrer
Last modified: April 29, 2023