Consumer Resources

The following information and links may be helpful tools for consumers and their families as well as providers and others who care for individuals with developmental disabilities.

DDS Wellness Toolkit

The DDS Wellness Toolkit is a website managed by the California Department of Developmental Services. The site is focused on providing information and tools related to health and safety for self-advocates, direct support professionals, and vendors or providers. New topics, tools, and information are added to the website throughout the year.

Information Packet for Consumers & Families

DDS is creating, with stakeholder input, standardized information packets to be provided to any individual seeking services from a regional center. The information packets will be available in various languages and alternative formats and modes of communication.

Advocates are trained to help consumers, families and professionals understand the rights of individuals with developmental disabilities. They provide education and training and advisory services.

State Council on Developmental Disabilities

The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) is an independent state agency that ensures people with developmental disabilities and their families receive the services and supports they need. Through advocacy, capacity building and systemic change, SCDD works to achieve a consumer and family-based system of individualized services, supports, and other assistance

Clients’ Rights Advocates

Developmental centers and regional centers have clients’ rights advocates who are independent of these facilities and help consumers with concerns.

Non-Profit Advocacy Groups

The following advocacy groups are independent of regional and developmental centers and provide services to individuals who have developmental disabilities.

Assistive Technology

Discounted Phone & Internet Resources


Last modified: April 15, 2024