National Core Indicators

Let your voice be heard: In-Person Survey (IPS)
See “Promotional Toolkit” tab for more languages!

The National Core Indicators (NCI) Survey gives individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families the opportunity to voluntarily and confidentially participate in surveys to share their experiences on access to and use of regional center and community services.

  • Survey responses help California learn how it is doing compared to other states.
  • Survey responses help the regional centers see what they are doing well and what they can improve.

There are four types of NCI surveys used in California:

Adult In-Person Survey (formally known as the Adult Consumer Survey)

The Adult In-Person Survey is conducted face-to-face with an individual who is 18 years or older and receives at least one service from the regional center, in addition to case management.

Child Family Survey

The Child Family Survey is a written survey that is completed by families of a child (ages 3-17 years old) who lives with them and receives at least one service from a regional center, in addition to case management.

Adult Family Survey

The Adult Family Survey is a written survey that is completed by families of an adult (age 18 and over) who lives with them and receives at least one service from a regional center, in addition to case management.

Family Guardian Survey

The Family Guardian Survey is a written survey that is completed by families and conservators of individuals (age 18 and over) who live in a community placement setting, and receive at least one service from a regional center, in addition to case management.

Survey Schedule

Fiscal YearAdult In-Person SurveyAdult Family SurveyFamily Guardian SurveyChild Family Survey


















This toolkit contains information, resources, and tools that are used to promote participation in the current Adult In-Person Survey.

We encourage you to share the promotional flyers and view the constant contact information.

The cover letters and envelopes shown are for awareness purposes and demonstrate the material that is sent out during the current Adult In-Person Survey cycle.

Promotional Flyers

Survey Announcement:

This is a copy of the survey announcement emailed to regional centers via Constant Contact, which is sent at the beginning of every survey cycle.

Cover Letter:

These PDFs are an example of the letter that is mailed to the potential person surveyed to inform them of the survey process.


These PDFs are an example of the envelope mailed to the potential person surveyed.

NCI California Interactive Dashboards

The interactive dashboard tools invite individuals to explore findings from NCI surveys from across the state of California. There are three ways to view NCI data:

How to Navigate NCI Interactive Dashboards


Fiscal Year (FY) 20/21

Fiscal Year (FY) 17/18

Previous FY Reports

Fiscal Year (FY) 17/18

Fiscal Year (FY) 19/20

Fiscal Year (FY) 16/17

Previous FY Reports

Fiscal Year (FY) 19/20

Fiscal Year (FY) 16/17

Fiscal Year (FY) 19/20

Fiscal Year (FY) 16/17

Previous FY Reports

Fiscal Year (FY) 19/20

Fiscal Year (FY) 16/17

Fiscal Year (FY) 18/19

Previous FY Reports

Fiscal Year (FY) 18/19

If you notice an error on a published report or handout please email

Importance of NCI

Three-minute video of self-advocates providing reasons that NCI is important.

Information about the Adult In-Person Survey

Six-minute video that provides a high-level overview of the voluntary and confidential NCI in-person survey, what to expect, and why it is important.  It covers the process from interview scheduling to a sample of interview questions.


If you have questions about NCI, you may email:


Last modified: February 4, 2025