Restraint Data


Welfare and Institutions Code section 4436.5 requires the Department of Developmental Services to publish data quarterly regarding the use of physical and/ or chemical restraint, by all regional center vendors providing residential services or supported living services, and by long-term health care facilities and acute psychiatric hospitals serving individuals with developmental disabilities. California Code of Regulations, Title 17 Section 54327 requires vendors and long-term health care facilities to report incidents of mechanical and chemical restraint. The following reports display this data for the specified reporting period. Data includes allegations that may or may not be substantiated.

Interactive Dashboard

Historical Reports

The Department developed and adopted Guidelines for the Use of Restraint or Containment in Enhanced Behavioral Supports Homes, as required by Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 4684.81(i)(1).

The Department developed and adopted Guidelines for Use of Restraint or Containment in Community Crisis Homes as required by Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 4698 (d)(1).

Developmental Centers & State-Operated Community Facilities

DDS directs programs that provide different models of care, serving diverse populations with differing  service needs. Among these, DDS currently operates two (2) facilities and a number of Stabilization Training Assistance Reintegration (STAR) homes in the community.  Both Porterville Development Center (PDC) and Canyon Springs Community Facility (CSCF) serve individuals that have exhibited sophisticated challenging behaviors, many of whom have a co-occurring mental health disability.  PDC also serves individuals with criminal justice involvement and require services in a secure treatment setting. CSCF provides services for individuals as they learn skills to transition back to living in community settings.

The STAR homes are small homes located in community residential areas, providing person-centered support and crisis stabilization services to children and adolescents (7-17 years old) and adults (for up to 13 months), so that individuals can successfully transition to a community living setting.

Mechanical restraints and involuntary STAT medications are prohibited at the STAR homes in the community. Mechanical restraints and involuntary STAT medications are only authorized at Desert STAR, located at Canyon Springs Community Facility, a licensed Intermediate Care Facility (ICF).

Restraints are only used when an individual’s behavior presents an imminent danger of serious injury to self or others. All programs use a continuum of proactive strategies and least restrictive to emergency interventions based on individualized assessments and plans to minimize the use of these interventions.

The differing challenges and service needs of the population in these settings may reflect in these data.

Interactive Dashboard

Historical Reports


Welfare and Institutions Code Section 4659.2 requires that on a monthly basis, all regional center vendors that provide crisis or residential services or supported living services, long-term health care facilities, and acute psychiatric hospitals shall report to the State Department of Developmental Services, all incidents and the duration of restraint, seclusion and involuntary emergency medication usage.

To submit restraint data to DDS, please click here


Last modified: December 12, 2023