Choking Prevention

This fact sheet presents the definitions of choking and aspiration and includes simple steps that everyone can use to prevent choking incidents for the people served through your organization.

This tool can be distributed to DSPs to help them work together with the individuals they support to prevent choking. This tool also has examples of the types of food and eating habits that can lead to choking.

A Personal Placemat serves as a tool to reduce risk of choking and promote safe eating. DSPs can complete this person-centered activity with the person they support.

Care for a person choking doesn’t end after the incident. This fact sheet can be used in training or distributed to DSPs to teach basic care for individuals during and after a choking incident.

This tool can be used as a cutting board by placing the one-page graphic inside a hard plastic cover. The cutting board can then guide DSPs when cutting or otherwise preparing food for the individuals they support.


Last modified: April 15, 2024