Tim Jin in a power chair sitting in front of a navy ship

For National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we are introducing some of our Department’s talent on social media!  The theme for #NDEAM this year is “Access to Good Jobs for All”.  We asked Tim Jin, Special Consultant for the Department’s Self Determination Program in the Policy and Program Development Division, what that means to him.  He said, “Easy, being able to change your economic status and being an average Joe.  All while showing to other employers that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are more than capable of having a career here.”  Read his full post about his job on the Department’s Instagram at @CalDDS_

Meet Kris Faith, an Office Communications Clerk with DDS Business Services!  For National Disability Employment Awareness Month, he’s sharing a bit about his job and why he enjoys it.  Kris’s supervisor and coworkers say he’s great to work with and is always ready to support his team.  Watch his reel to hear about his role, his favorite parts of the job, and more.

We’re grateful to have Kris and Tim Jin on the DDS team!
