Thank you to all Committee and community members who participated in the California Master Plan for Developmental Services Committee meeting hosted at the Special Needs Network in Los Angeles, California on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.  Many attendees bravely journeyed to the meeting as southern California’s extreme winds and wildfires began to impact the region.

Workgroup roundtables (Person-Centered, Service Systems, Workforce, Data and Outcomes, and Lifelong Services) and public input sessions were held in four parts throughout the day.  Members of workgroups focused on the continued development of recommendations, resolving overlaps, and identifying major topics that need to be addressed.

The meeting concluded with a large group of individuals and families sharing the importance of services and support that make a difference in their lives.  Several individuals participated in sharing what matters to them through the “Future of Developmental Services” social media campaign and many made signs to express their views, like Karina Saldana and her daughter pictured here.

A mom and daughter holding signs that say Nothing About Us without Us

Caption: Karina Saldana and daughter share their message for the Department’s “Future of Developmental Services” campaign.  Their signs read “El Futuro de los Servicios de Desarrollo es… The Self Determination Program that brings peace and helps others, for example, ME!” and “NOTHING about us WITHOUT US.”

The next Master Plan meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at the Ed Roberts Campus in Berkeley.  You can register to attend the upcoming meeting online or in-person.  The draft recommendations for the Master Plan will be submitted to the Committee for final review and approval before its March 19, 2025 meeting.  The release of the Master Plan is expected soon after that meeting, once it has been put into its final format.  Our community’s ideas will help set goals and plans to improve connections and services into the future.
