
Rate Implementation Timeline

Rate reform work began in 2019 after the Legislature required the delivery of a Rate Study regarding how services are provided and paid statewide. Rate Reform is being rolled out in stages. The 2024-25 Budget Act changed the full Rate Reform implementation date to January 1, 2025.   For more information, please see Welfare & Institutions Code 4519.10.

  • Effective April 1, 2022, the department shall implement a rate increase for service providers that equals one-quarter of the difference between current rates and the fully-funded rate model for each provider.
  • Effective January 1, 2023, the department shall adjust rates to equal one-half of the difference between rates in effect March 31, 2022, and the fully-funded rate model for each provider, and additional funding shall be available for the quality incentive program described in subdivision (e).
  • Commencing January 1, 2025, the department shall implement the fully-funded rate models using two payment components, a base rate equaling 90 percent of the rate model, and a quality incentive payment, equaling up to 10 percent of the rate model, to be implemented through the quality incentive program described in subdivision (e).

Rate Implementation Forms and Directions

Rates for Providers Serving Consumers from Multiple Regional Centers

Providers may have multiple rates for the same service when services are provided in multiple regional center catchment areas. The attachment here identifies which service codes use rates from the user or vendoring regional center.

Rate Review Process

Providers who believe there is an error in the rate calculation may submit the rate review form to their Regional Center no later than 60 days after receiving their rates.

Service Detail Collection Forms

If you have received a Service Detail Collection Form and have questions about how to complete it, please refer to the following instructions. Submit your completed worksheet for existing vendorizations to your Regional Center.


Last modified: December 24, 2024