Rate Study

General Information

Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 4519.8, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) submitted a rate study addressing the sustainability, quality, and transparency of community-based services for individuals with developmental disabilities to the Legislature in March 1, 2019. To assist with this effort, DDS contracted with health-policy consulting firm Burns & Associates, Inc. to conduct the rate study with DDS oversight. An overview of the rate study including project principles and tasks, as well as information is available on Burns & Associates, Inc., website. Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code, Section 4519.10, the Department is implementing the rate models proposed in the rate study. More information on the phased implementation is located here.

Rate Study Implementation

Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code, Section 4519.10, the Department is implementing the rate models proposed in the rate study. The rates and rate models below include updated cost components as of February 2022 and will be used to calculate the rate adjustment effective April 1, 2022.

Complete rate models with detailed information on rates by service code and a summary of rates for each service code by regional center can be found within the Rate Models and Rates tab on this page.

Rate Study Public Comments

As required by Welfare and Institutions Code, Section 4519.8, the Department of Developmental Services (Department) submitted a service provider rate study to the Legislature in March 2019. Subsequently, the Department received comments from hundreds of stakeholders. With the release of the Governor’s Budget on January 10, 2020, the Department has posted below a summary of comments received, along with the Department’s responses to these comments and any necessary and appropriate changes to rate models contained in the rate study.

Rate Study

Rate Study submitted to the legislature on March 15, 2019

Briefing Sessions on the Rate Study: Week of 2/25/2019

Information regarding two briefing sessions on the upcoming release of the rate study can be found here. Recorded Live Stream Playlist from February 25 and 26 sessions are available on the DDS YouTube Channel.

Session Materials

Public Comment Template

DDS is encouraging the public to submit comments regarding the DDS Rate Study. The instructions and template for submitting a public comment can be found here.

Please Note: The public comment period has been extended to April 5, 2019.

The list of representatives from regional centers and advocacy organizations who will collect public comments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Rate Study Briefing and Public Comment Process FAQs.

A schedule of dates, times, and locations of briefing meetings to provide an opportunity for consumers and family members to further share input on the rate study can be found using the links below in English or Spanish (Espanol).

Consumer and Family Survey

In response to requests from stakeholders and advocates, and consistent with the Department of Developmental Services’ (DDS) efforts in coordinating a comprehensive rate study, DDS is conducting a survey of consumers and family members to further inform the rate study. DDS has contracted with Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) to facilitate the survey, and worked with an advisory committee consisting of consumers and family members in the development of the survey.

The Rate Study Online Survey is available, and will be available to complete until 10/28/2018.

If you would like to read the full survey prior to completing it online – Rate Study – Consumer Family Survey.

After the conclusion of the survey, public comment meetings will be held throughout the State to provide an opportunity for family members and consumers to further share input on the rate study. The dates, times and locations of these meetings will be posted on the DDS website.

The Department encourages all consumers and family members to participate in the survey.

Below are the links to information about the Consumer & Family Survey translated into California’s Medi-Cal threshold languages. They provide a direct link to the survey found on SurveyMonkey. The survey is available in all the languages below, through the use of a drop-down menu within the survey.

Briefing Meetings for Regional Center Consumers & Their Families

A schedule of dates, times, and locations of briefing meetings to provide an opportunity for consumers and family members to further share input on the rate study can be found using the links below in English or Spanish (Espanol).

As a next step to help inform the Rate Study, Burns & Associates (B&A) is conducting a provider survey to collect data regarding providers’ service delivery designs and costs for providers of Specialized Therapeutic Services (service codes 115, 116 and 117). Due to the unique nature of these services, these providers were not asked to participate in the recently concluded provider survey. Service providers are being asked to return these surveys by October 12, 2018.

All providers of specialized therapeutic services are encouraged to complete the survey, even if they are only able to provide some of the information requested.

The survey and instructions, including instructional webinars, and contact information for technical assistance is available here.

Specialized Therapeutic Survey: Summaries of Surveys Completed

Information on the number of provider surveys completed by regional center and by service code are available below:

To inform the rate study, Burns & Associates, Inc. is conducting a provider survey to collect data regarding providers’ service delivery designs and costs. Because the survey will provide critical information to help inform the rate study, it is important that as many providers as possible respond to the survey, even if they are only able to provide some of the information requested. Service providers were previously asked to return the survey by July 6, 2018, however the survey due date has been extended to August 3, 2018.

All providers of services included in the rate study are encouraged to complete the survey. A list of all services included in the rate study is available here.

The survey and instructions, including instructional webinars, and contact information for technical assistance is available here.

Overview of Proider Survey Responses

Provider Survey: Summaries of Surveys Completed

Information on the number of provider surveys completed by regional center and by service code are available below:

Chapter 76, Statutes of 2021 (AB 136, Committee on Budget and Developmental Services) added Welfare and Institutions Code section 4519.10 specifying the timeline for implementation of fully funded rate models for each provider type by July 1, 2025.  These include rate increases beginning in the 2021-22 fiscal year and will include a quality incentive program to create an enhanced person-centered, outcomes-based system.


Last modified: July 15, 2024