Lanterman Act Eligibility & Service Appeals

Anyone aged 3 or older who has applied for regional center services, or who is currently receiving regional center services, can appeal regional center decisions they do not agree with. Click here for information on Early Start appeals.

Lanterman Act Eligibility & Service Appeals Information PacketPDF

Español (Spanish) | العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)درى (Dari) | | فارسی(Farsi)  | हिन्दी (Hindi)Lus Hmoob (Hmong)  | 日本語 (Japanese)ខ្មែរ (Khmer (Cambodian)   | 한글 (Korean)ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese)Русский (Russian)简体中文 (Chinese)Tagalog  |  اردو (Urdu)  |  Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)  |  Mienh (Mien)

View the Lanterman Act Eligibility & Service Appeals Information Packet as a Website

Request an Appeal Online

DS 1821 – Printable Form to Request an AppealPDF Use these if the “Request an Appeal Online” link above does not work for you. Español (Spanish)  | العربية (Arabic) |Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)درى (Dari) | فارسی (Farsi) | हिन्दी (Hindi) | Lus Hmoob (Hmong) | 日本語 (Japanese) | Khmer (Cambodian) | 한글 (Korean)| Laotian | Português (Portuguese) | Русский (Russian)  | 简体中文 (Chinese) | Tagalog | اردو (Urdu)Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)Mienh (Mien)

DS 1819 – Representative Authorization FormPDF Español (Spanish)  العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)  | درى (Dari)فارسی (Farsi)हिन्दी (Hindi)Lus Hmoob (Hmong)日本語 (Japanese) Khmer (Cambodian)  | 한글 (Korean)  |  ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese) | Русский (Russian)  | 简体中文 (Chinese)  |  Tagalogاردو (Urdu) Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) Mienh (Mien)

DS 1820 – Notice of ActionPDF Español (Spanish)  |  العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)  | درى (Dari)فارسی (Farsi)हिन्दी (Hindi)Lus Hmoob (Hmong)日本語 (Japanese)  |  Khmer (Cambodian)  | 한글 (Korean)  |  ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese)Русский (Russian)  | 简体中文 (Chinese)  |  Tagalogاردو (Urdu)  |  Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)Mienh (Mien)

DS 1822 – Notice of ResolutionPDF Español (Spanish)   |  العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)  | درى (Dari)فارسی (Farsi)  | हिन्दी (Hindi)  |  Lus Hmoob (Hmong)  | 日本語 (Japanese)Khmer (Cambodian)한글 (Korean)ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese)  |  Русский (Russian)  |  简体中文 (Chinese)Tagalogاردو (Urdu)  |  Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)Mienh (Mien)

DS 1823 – Appeal Request ChangePDF Español (Spanish)  |  العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)  | درى (Dari)فارسی (Farsi)हिन्दी (Hindi) | Lus Hmoob (Hmong)日本語 (Japanese)  |  Khmer (Cambodian)  | 한글 (Korean)  |  ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese) | Русский (Russian)  | 简体中文 (Chinese)  |  Tagalogاردو  (Urdu)Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)Mienh (Mien)

DS 1824 – Final Reconsideration RequestPDF Español (Spanish)  |  العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western) |  درى (Dari)فارسی (Farsi)हिन्दी (Hindi)Lus Hmoob (Hmong)日本語  (Japanese)Khmer (Cambodian)  | 한글 (Korean)  |  ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese)Русский (Russian)  | 简体中文 (Chinese)  |  Tagalog اردو (Urdu)  |  Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)Mienh (Mien)

Sample Good Faith Belief LetterPDF Español (Spanish)العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)درى (Dari)  |  فارسی (Farsi)  | हिन्दी (Hindi)  |  Lus Hmoob (Hmong)日本語 (Japanese)  |  ខ្មែរ (Khmer (Cambodian)   |  한글 (Korean)ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese)  |  Русский (Russian)  | 简体中文 (Chinese)  |  Tagalog  |  اردو (Urdu)Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)  |  Mienh (Mien)

Your Appeal RightsPDF

Español (Spanish)  | العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)  | درى (Dari)  | فارسی (Farsi)हिन्दी (Hindi)Lus Hmoob (Hmong)日本語 (Japanese)  | ខ្មែរ (Khmer (Cambodian) |한글 (Korean)ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese)  |  Русский (Russian)  |  简体中文 (Chinese)  |  Tagalog  |  اردو (Urdu)  |  Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) Mienh (Mien)

Your Appeal Rights – 1 pg. Flyer PDF

Español (Spanish)  |  العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)درى (Dari)فارسی (Farsi)हिन्दी (Hindi)  |  Lus Hmoob (Hmong)  | 日本語 (Japanese)ខ្មែរ (Khmer (Cambodian)  |  한글 (Korean)  | ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese)  |  Русский (Russian)简体中文 (Chinese) Tagalog  |  اردو (Urdu)  |  Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)Mienh (Mien)

Appeal Process Flow ChartsPDFThis document shows the required timelines for different parts of the appeal process.

Español (Spanish)  |  العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)  |  درى (Dari)  |  فارسی (Farsi)  |  हिन्दी (Hindi)  |  Lus Hmoob (Hmong)  |  日本語 (Japanese)  |  ខ្មែរ (Khmer (Cambodian)  |  한글 (Korean)  |  ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese)  |  Русский (Russian)  | 简体中文 (Chinese)  |  Tagalog  |  اردو (Urdu)  |  Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)  |  Mienh (Mien)

Regional centers must implement final hearing decisions as soon as possible and implement the decision no later than 30 days after the date of the final hearing decision.  If the regional center can’t implement the final hearing decision within 30 days, they must notify in writing, the person the hearing was about and any authorized representative and the Department of Developmental Services.  The regional center must explain:

  • The specific exceptional circumstances that make it impossible to implement the decision within 30 days: and
  • The date when the decision will be implemented.

A regional center client or their authorized representative may ask DDS for help getting a hearing decision implemented. Informal agreements and Mediation agreements should also be implemented timely. If you need help getting your agreement or hearing decision implemented, you may email or use the online form below to ask DDS for help.

Submit RC Implementation Delay Letters to DDS here.

Hearing Implementation Delay Letter TemplateWORD

Español (Spanish)  | العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)  | درى (Dari)  | فارسی (Farsi)हिन्दी (Hindi)  |  Lus Hmoob (Hmong)日本語 (Japanese)  |  ខ្មែរ (Khmer (Cambodian)  |  한글 (Korean)ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese)  |  Русский (Russian)  |  简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)Tagalog اردو (Urdu)  |  Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)  |  Mienh (Mien)

DS 1819 – Representative Authorization FormWORD

Español (Spanish)  |  العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)  | درى (Dari) |  فارسی (Farsi)हिन्दी (Hindi) Lus Hmoob (Hmong)日本語 (Japanese) Khmer (Cambodian)  | 한글 (Korean)  |  ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese) | Русский (Russian)  | 简体中文 (Chinese)  |  Tagalog |  اردو (Urdu)  |  Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)Mienh (Mien)

DS 1820 – Notice of Action (NOA) Template WORD

Español (Spanish)  |  العربية (Arabic) Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)درى (Dari)فارسی (Farsi)हिन्दी (Hindi)Lus Hmoob (Hmong)日本語 (Japanese)  | ខ្មែរ (Khmer (Cambodian)한글 (Korean)  |  ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese)  |  Русский (Russian)  |  简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)  |  Tagalog اردو (Urdu)Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)  |  Mienh (Mien)

DS 1821 – Appeal Request Form WORD

 Español (Spanish)  | العربية (Arabic) |Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)| درى (Dari) | فارسی (Farsi) | हिन्दी (Hindi) | Lus Hmoob (Hmong) | 日本語 (Japanese) | Khmer (Cambodian) | 한글 (Korean)| Laotian | Português (Portuguese) | Русский (Russian)  | 简体中文 (Chinese) | Tagalog | اردو (Urdu)Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)Mienh (Mien)

DS 1822 – Notice of Resolution (NOR)WORD

Español (Spanish)  |  العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)درى (Dari)فارسی (Farsi)हिन्दी (Hindi)Lus Hmoob (Hmong)  |  日本語 (Japanese)ខ្មែរ (Khmer (Cambodian)  | 한글 (Korean)ລາວ (Laotian) |  Português (Portuguese)Русский (Russian)简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)  |  Tagalog  |  اردو (Urdu)  | Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)  |  Mienh (Mien)

Good Faith Belief Letter TemplateWORD

Español (Spanish)  |  العربية (Arabic)Արեւմտահայերէն (Armenian Western)درى (Dari)فارسی (Farsi)हिन्दी (Hindi)Lus Hmoob (Hmong)  |  日本語 (Japanese)  |  ខ្មែរ (Khmer (Cambodian)  |  한글 (Korean)  |  ລາວ (Laotian)Português (Portuguese)Русский (Russian)  | 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)Tagalog  |  اردو (Urdu)Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)Mienh (Mien)

Your Appeal Rights – Foldable 3-Panel BrochurePDF (To Print & Distribute)


Last modified: May 29, 2024